Friday, 12 July 2013

How to Capture a Lost Fangirl

Fandom, it consumes you. It's your blood and soul. The one thing that keeps you alive and breathing no matter what heads your way. And escape? Do not even question escape. Escape is impossible. Fandom is a maximum security prison, which keeps you sane but every prison has a weakness, no matter how strong. A few weeks ago, I lost my fandom. I was stripped of my life force. I just kept questioning myself, HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN TO ME?! Yet remember, you can't escape fandom. Eventually I knew I would've come back and I did but it took me a very long time. 

If this tragic and terrible event has happened to you, I'm here to say it's ok. Come here, I'll give you a hug. *hug*. I don't usually hug strangers because for all I know they might be pedophiles but for you I'll make an exception. I know the pain. Sure, she’ll come back but capturing a lost fangirl is as infuriating as waiting 14 years for the Doctor. 

But I’ve made it simpler for you guys to capture the lost fangirl. 

Materials needed:
  • Internet
  • Other fangirls
  • Minimal art skills
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • Will To Live


  1. Prepare for no sleep.  Fangirling takes everything you’ve got, so don’t be shocked if you don’t get any sleep from the all those marathons and fanfiction. Cover yourself with a blanket or jacket.  Supply yourself with food on hand, just incase you forget to feed yourself. Make sure the room temperatures right. Then lie down on the bed/couch to make yourself comfortable.
  2. Have a hardcore marathon. If it’s a book,  break your back rereading it everywhere, on the couch, on the bed, while brushing your teeth. Same goes with a tv series or movie except invite a fellow hardcore fangirl. Don’t stop until you’ve read/watched every single book/episode/movie or listen to every song. Basically get your hands on every single piece of the fandom basics.  
  3. Don’t stop there read some fanfiction. You must feed your thirst for more because rereading and watching it again isn’t enough. 
  4. Draw your favourite characters or OTP. This goes especially for book fandoms, visualizing them means your one step closer to becoming them living in their world. If you lack art skills or just positively suck then do this anyways to prove your love.
  5. Surround yourself with fellow fangirls. If you’ve fangirl friends, great! If you’ve just friends then pester them 24/7 anyways. If you’ve no friends, pester other people using tumblr. Either way tumblr’s a great way to breathe in the fandom.

With these simple steps you’re on your way to becoming a fangirl (again). 
Good Luck


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